Teacher with students in the classroom
Rochambotics Student Association Spotlight
Rochambotics Student Association Spotlight


"We are Rochambotics, a Robotics and engineering club of Rochambeau French International School.

We are a small team of 8 students in high school whose goal is to get together to think and create robots to compete in the Vex Robotics Competition. It is managed by Vex Robotics, a platform for education Robotics. Every year, a new game and rules are made, and different teams all across the world start developing their robot to try to compete and win during the multiple competitions across the year. This club aims to get together with other students motivated to design, build, and program robots that will compete against other school teams. The Vex Robotics Competition is an excellent way for team members to bond while working together to achieve a common goal. The competition promotes teamwork, communication skills, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

This Saturday 16 December, we participated in our first competition for the 2023-2024 season. After a hard wake-up at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning, we all met up at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt, MD. After a complicated start, we soon managed to get back in the rankings after some really good matches. We finished 10th on 32 teams and finally lost in the quarter finals. We would like to thank all supporters either present during the event or on social media as well as all our sponsors without whom this wouldn't have been possible!"

Antonin, 1ere, Lubin, 1ere, Rafaël, 1ere, Marius, IB, Maxime, 1ere, Ravaka, IB, Benjamin, IB and Sena, 1ere


Their next competition is this Saturday, January 13th, we count on you to support them on social media!


Take a look at their amazing video to present their robot, they also have hidden video editing skills!



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