Le 17 juin 2022, douze élèves de la 6e à la 1re ont reçu un certificat soulignant leur engagement dans le projet Allies* mis sur pied par le secteur Diversité, Equité et Inclusion (DEI).
Félicitations à Frias Bonnefoi Annika, Jacmet-Okomo Aurelien, Sephocle Coretta, Calderone Danae, Zorome Iman, Mauri Ines, Cross Isabella, Ocakoglu Luljeta, Ramarozatovo Mampianina, Henry Rose Salome, Pavageau Bruno et Abdulnour Mia.
Les élèves sont accompagnés par Frédérique Le Ber, directrice Diversité, Equité et Inclusion (DEI), et Jacob Memminger, psychologue scolaire.
Students engaged in diversity, equity and inclusion
On June 17, 2022, twelve students in grades 6 through 11 received a certificate recognizing their involvement in the Allies* project developed by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) sector.
Congratulations to Frias Bonnefoi Annika, Jacmet-Okomo Aurelien, Sephocle Coretta, Calderone Danae, Zorome Iman, Mauri Ines, Cross Isabella, Ocakoglu Luljeta, Ramarozatovo Mampianina, Henry Rose Salome, Pavageau Bruno and Abdulnour Mia.
Students are guided by Frédérique Le Ber, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and Jacob Memminger, school psychologist.
What is an Ally?
In the most general sense, an "Ally" is "a person who is a member of the dominant or majority group who works to end oppression in their personal and professional life through support of, and as an advocate for, the oppressed population."1 Allies to racial, religious and ethnic minorities have been remarkably effective in promoting positive change in the dominant culture, and only recently has their instrumental position been extended to the area of sexual orientation.
An Ally strives to...
- be a friend
- be a listener
- be open-minded
- have their own opinions
- be willing to talk
- recognize their personal boundaries
- join others with a common purpose
- believe that all persons regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression should be treated with dignity and respect
- recognize when to refer an individual to additional resources
- confront their own prejudices
Recent News
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Primaire (Maplewood) : 19 et 20 septembre
Secondaire (Forest Road) : 25 et 26 septembre
À ne pas manquer, elles figureront dans le Yearbook 2024-25 !
Primary (Maplewood): Sept 19 & 20
Secondary (Forest Road): Sept 25 & 26
Don't miss out—these photos will be featured in the 2024-25 Yearbook!
Retrouvez toutes les dates de réunions de rentrée et les présentations des réunions passées du secondaire.
Find all the back-to-school meeting dates and presentations from past secondary school meetings.
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Enjoy a delicious BBQ, live music, soccer fun games... Capture memories at the photobooth and visit our partner booths. Don’t forget your water bottle—our RochamBIO squad will be on-site to help with recycling. Let’s kick off the year together! All info in 1 click!