University Advising | Webinars video recordings available!
University Advising | Webinars video recordings available!
University Advising | Webinars video recordings available!
In case you missed it!
Dual Enrollment presentation with Montgomery College
Secondary students
Thursday, November 14, 6:30pm
Video recording available here
Webinar: Navigating a Rapidly-Evolving Testing Landscape
10th & 11th grades
Monday, December 2, 6pm
Video recording available here
Online information meeting: Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College with the College Funding Coach
All families
Tuesday, November 19 - 6:30pm
Video recording available here (expiry 30 days)
Also, here’s a link to the College Funding Coach PARENT SURVEY.
As a reminder, completing it will give parents access to their Parent Mini Vault!
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