Art & Emotions en Maternelle
Ce projet de gestion des émotions en Maternelle est en lien avec le département de Student Learning Support.
Après avoir lu l’Album "La couleur des émotions", les élèves de Grande Section ont fabriqué leurs propres marionnettes "Monstres". Chaque marionnette est associée a une couleur precise et une émotion.
Chaque matin, les professeures prennent la « température » de la classe, en demandant aux élèves comment ils se sentent et ils l’expriment avec leur marionnette : Joie, Sérénité, Tristesse ou Colère.
La prochaine étape sera de les aider a gérer leur émotion.
This emotion management project is linked with the Student Learning Support department.
After reading the album "La couleur des émotions", the Kindergarten students made their own "Monsters" puppets. Each puppet is associated with a specific color and emotion.
Every morning, the teachers take the "temperature" of the class, asking the students how they feel and they express it with their puppet: Joy, Serenity, Sadness or Anger.
The next step will be to help them manage their emotions.
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This is ^Not^ just a scribble! Our Kindergarten artists were affirmed and their artistry validated as they learned about how Diane Alber, Author & Illustrator, uses her doodles to create characters in her work. By sharing her perspective, their scribbles come to life️! Our little students have developed many skills in this project: observation, motor precision, cutting, highlighting...
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